CherryBirdie Cattery

Persian and Himalayan Cats and Kittens

Photo Gallery of Past Kittens

Click on the picture to view a larger version of the thumbnail

Kelly's Male

Christmas Kitten
8 weeks’ old
Silver Persian

Silver Persian

GC, RW Cherrybirdie’s Diamond Solitare
8 weeks’ old
Shaded Silver Persian

Chinchilla Silver posing as Mae West

Chinchilla Silver Persian
Mae West Pose

Shaded Silver Persian Playing Cards

Shaded Silver Persian
Card Player

“Silvers are Really Smart”

Shaded Silver Persian

Chinchilla Silver Persian

Lilac Point Himalayan

SGC, RW Cherrybirdie Setnstone of Pawsitive
Blue Point Himalayan

Yoda's kittens from Spring 2001
Seal Point Himalayan

“Mr. France”
Chinchilla Silver Persian

Silver Persian
Silver Perssian

In memory of CJ.